
What a weekend


Saturday was a blur. A blur, but a blast.

I was happy that the cupcake surprise for Sarah (Happy Birthday Sarah!) went well. The birthday candle went off ok, but it took a bit of coaxing for it to go the whole fireworks-y.

I, like a lot of people from my generation, headed to the Eraserheads reunion concert last Saturday night. I had no connections so I was at the Patron section. After a whirlwind day at work, headed off to Fort to the concert. We knew we weren’t gonna be standing in front since we were late. The gates opened at 3, we got there past 6pm, so we settled for getting a decent place to view the stage. I have to admit i counted down with the rest of the crowd with the 10 minute clock before their entrance. They picked the perfect song to open the concert, Alapaap. A crowd favorite and just enough noise to start things off right. The 16 odd songs they got to sing were bliss. I was, like a doof, singing along to every song. You could almost feel the electricity in the air, as everyone was feeling the sense of magic this band had to capture the soul of a generation. See I was too young to go to their concerts when they were together, so this may be my only Eraserheads concert. And when they announced that the concert had to be cut short coz Ely (Buendia, the vocalist) had to be rushed to the hospital, I was disappointed for sure, but also quite worried for Ely’s health.  So i said my prayer like everyone else and headed off into the night, not quite believing where I’ve been.

After which we went to Embassy for a work thing. Haha. It was really a work thing. Our big boss from the US invited the whole department to a night of general craziness, and since I was jonesing for a night out after my jilted Friday night, I went. Even if i was already tired from the workday and the concert. A lot of people from the office were there, enjoying the free flowing Jack and Coke and Vodka Sprites that never seemed to end. We danced our hearts out. We laughed off the stress of the day. We forgot our worries. With all that alcohol surging through our respective bloodstreams, who could blame us? It was a fun fun night.

And to think I almost missed it. 😛

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