
The simple things.


I guess with all i’ve done lately, I haven’t felt like me in a while.

I don’t really party but I want to now. I find myself listening to party music and doing the shimmy shimmy shake at home, and the head bob at my station at work.

I find myself checking out people’s outfits in public and asking them where they got that random shirt, or shiny shoes.

I wear makeup sometimes now (eyeliner) when I feel like it (or when I try to distract from a blemish caused by not sleeping).

I haven’t read a new book in ages.

Food trips are a thing of the past.


So last Saturday I went back to my roots and just spent it laid back and food tripping. Things i learned that night:

  • Gerry’s (at least the one in front of ABS fer sure) has no corkage fee. Huzzah)
  • You can buy those little liquor bottles that they have in hotel rooms for 150 each at a liquor store in Timog circle
  • There are no ice cream parlors in the Tomas Morato/Timog area to Katipunan that are open at 3am on a weekend.
  • Bri-iw, a small hole in the wall bar in Kamuning used to be a gay bar.
  • Petron Treats in Katipunan stocks only Nestle and Haagen Dazs ice  cream in its freezers.
  • Drinking is supposedly strictly prohibited there.

It was a nice night. Just hanging out, laughing my head off. No hangover, no Sunday hell.

I missed this.

(But i wanna dance)

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