So Tony’s been at Mayer’s for a week and i called and asked when I could get him. They told me Monday after lunch, and I thought, perfect. Rest day. No plans. I can drag Mom and Joannaman along. We always like going around Binondo checking out the jewelry and they’ve missed Dong Bei so I knew it was easy asking them to go with me.
So we went around Binondo, at Joannaman’s insistence. I’m not much of a jewelry person myself, I only wear what people give me.
Dong bei was delish. I stuffed myself with dumplings, I think i ate 3/4 of the order. I was hungry so sue me. We even got takeout dumplings and chicken for dinner for two nights. Frozen so it’ll last.
Then went to Mayer’s to pick up Tony. When i asked what went wrong, they told me that they just replaced the unit. So rest in peace Tony.
It’s Rrrramon now. 🙂