
Trin turned 18, I am officially old.


Setrina, JJ, my bestie’s sister turned 18 last Friday, October 24, 2008 in a soiree at Patio Ibarra that was pulled together in 2 weeks. (I know, coz J was in a frantic pace trying to get everything done)

And i learned the past few weeks that planning a real debut takes a lot of effort and money. For one of those debuts with an event place, and decent food and all the fixins, prepare to spend around 100k or more. If you are the party planner, set aside sleeping for a while since you have to coordinate with everyone and decide on a lot of things and deal with a lot of miscommunication mishaps and teeny screwups that’ll drive you nuts.

I also learned that I wanna parlay my d40 purchase into a moneymaking venture by becoming one of those debut/prenup photographers (Man those guys charge a lot).

The mantra of the night was “Jeez, we’re old.” That i’m sure Diane (who i was with) got tired of hearing from me since i repeated the phrase like 20 times. Coz I felt like it. We were surrounded by the 17 to 18 year old set and these were kids from my high school. And man have they changed. Montessori definitely changes people haha. Come on, if you see kids (literally kids, playing various kiddie games) you haven’t seen in several years suddenly wearing tuxes and gowns wouldn’t you feel old too?

And Diane was all mommy stuff coz she’s a stay at home mom now. Lordy lord.

I definitely want to enjoy my childhood now (Yes I am still a child).

That said, HAPPY 18TH Trin! And like I said, I wish you love (coz love is all we need  wahaha), all kinds of love to get you through the last 2 teen years and the rest of your years. 🙂

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