
Well, finally.


Two words that previously sent chills down my spine (See Person to Person, I am Legend, Richard Matheson), but quite apt when I said them last Tuesday when I finally got the Fuji Instax Mini I’ve been drooling after the past few months.

You see this started last November when I was looking at Polaroids and was thinking of getting one. Then I found out that Polaroid had already stopped production on film and it now costs like P800(!) for 10 sheets. Somewhere between there and now i found the fuji instax mini as a cheaper alternative, costing like P30 per shot, or like P660 for 20 sheets.

I’ve always liked photos. When I was in 5th grade, my mom bought me a simple kodak point and shoot to take pictures with and have had a love affair with preserving moments ever since. (And it was a perk that my mom was the one who bought films and had them developed while i shot whatever i wanted) The time of digital cameras came, and while it was cool (and still is) there is a part of me longing for actual pictures that i could hold in my hands.

Also,we’ve never had a polaroid camera. I’ve never had the joy of shaking the sheet while the image took form. I’ve known about it, seen it in other people’s photo albums, but i’ve never, to my recollection taken one, or had one of myself or my family.

And now I have one. It took a couple of months, a lot of talk, a hell of a lot of research, and a lot of needling and telling my friends i was gonna get one.

I’m broke but I’m happy.

And now I’m getting a shot of/with all the people I love. 🙂

*photo by Rico

A realistic optimist just trying to find her way.

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