Yesterday I was a jerk.
A full blown, who gives a crap, total jerk.
I guess I was tired. Of being politically correct. Of making sure everyone had it great. Of putting up with things I really didn’t want to.
I jerked it up.
It was so out of character. For me, who usually wants everything and everyone to be fine, for everything to be smooth.
I put myself first.
I did what I wanted to do.
I didn’t care about the consequences of what I did.
No, I didn’t do anything totally radical.
I didn’t commit any crimes, no irreperable damage.
I just was different.
And it felt good.
For several hours I acted my age. 23 and with no cares in the world. No drama of the week.
I felt free. I felt like a huge weight was off my shoulders.
I am so close to being like this 24/7.
But I don’t wanna be a jerk forever. 🙂