Jodythinks · Thanks

A night away from myself

Whether it was sheer boredom, or eerie curiousity that prompted me to go with Anna to her makeup class, it was definitely the girliest night I’ve spent in a LONG time.

See, she takes classes at the Australian College of Hair Design and Beauty at Podium. I’ve never been to a place quite like this. All I know of makeup is from watching my mom apply the stuff on herself, and that’s knowledge that can fill a thimble at best.

It’s quite an impressive sight. You just feel going in like it’s THE place to improve yourself. And even if my improvement came at the able hands of Ms. Angeles, I felt like I learned quite a bit. (Though I’m still at a loss on how to use this information)

It took an hour and a half to achieve this Bridal day look (That was what she deemed it) and I think it was worth every minute.

Thanks Anna for infinitely changing how I feel about makeup. 🙂
Now if i can only find someone to tame this matted nest I call my hair.


Keep me awake

sleepy time

Imagine waking up crying, not really remembering why you were sobbing so hard you roused yourself from sleep.

Now imagine that happening everyday for a week.

Welcome to my life.

Now I don’t know if it’s the coming back from vacation(was in Palawan for five days), the incessant tea drinking, or the Gossip Girl marathon, but something’s been causing these crazy, disturbing, but unmemorable dreams. I seldom remember dreams, but I usually just jerk awake coz I dream I was running or something like that. Nothing to this extreme. I mean I never really cried much until this year, and now I’m waking up to tears on my pillow?


According to a friend, it’s unexpressed emotions trying to work their way out when I’m not controlling them. So after all those drinking sessions and journal entries and crying over movies I didn’t even care about before, I stil have unexpressed emotions?


To be fair, I’m not exactly the usual I want to talk this out person. I’m tired. I don’t want to talk about things. I actually feel better listening to other people’s problems now. The feeling of helping them just by being there, soothes me. And even if sometimes you just want to bonk them on the head for not doing the right thing, or continuing on an insane path that’s leading them to destruction.

Yes I am being mother hen-y again and trying to protect the people I love from the world and other people. I know I’m trying to do too much and just bringing stress and heartache to myself, but hey, when they hurt, I feel the pain too.

(Here I go again, forgetting the original thought and running down paths to the unknown)

But yeah, keep me awake. The dreams are scary, and not in a “There’s a ghost behind you!” way. They’re effing visiting a prison and get stuck there,  relatives dying scary. (From what I remember)

And it’s a crappy dappy way to wake up. I get crying yourself to sleep coz you know what’s happening, but jeez.

So keep me awake. Or at least, wipe away the freaking dreams.

Coz really, they’re not helping.

food · Jodythinks

Nerds are <3.


I remember a professor said in a conference I attended lately, that the geeks are taking/will take over the world.

Can us nerds/dorks rule with them?

Yes I am a self-proclaimed nerd.

But perhaps I’m more of a dork. I possess the coordination of one (or lack thereof).

And how cool am I, bringing a box to Central while the others were knocking back beers and smoking.

There I was sipping on my coke and tapping out Nerds.





Love beetles. I keep saying when I get a car of my own I want a vw bug.

And spend time on the road with me, you’ll get a bonk on the head with a grin, a peace sign, and a point in the direction of the beetle.

What can I say, I like the concept.

I always wonder if the owners notice people when they do that.