8 things you should definitely EAT (before you can’t)
Lists for me are really fun. My dear five readers, urge you to try these things at least once in your life, because I cannot imagine my life without them: 1. Uni sashimi- basically sea urchin that is raw, and served with good soy sauce and citrus (calamansi is my favorite). Smooth, melting in your mouth and basically tasting like the sea, this indulgent treat is a must for any sashimi lover. The best one I’ve ever tasted was from Hana in Little Tokyo, like buttah, but better. For the good stuff, you don’t need to dip it into anything, or do anything but take it out of the shell…
This girl’s love for ice cream.
Ever since I can remember, ice cream has been one of my favorite things to eat. For this girl growing up in a third world, tropical country when airconditioning was still a novel thing, ice cream was a liberator to sweltering days where it doesn’t matter how much fans were turned to you, you still felt like a sticky, sweaty mess. It did help that I had a grandmother who sold it, from Magnolia in its heyday, to Nestle when it took over the national (well provincial) market. I remember being able to finish off a Twin Popsies before even a drop even melted, and a pint of Double Dutch…
Winter is coming
If you have not been under a rock the past few months, you’ve surely heard of the Game of Thrones. This HBO series had a Sean Bean headed f (pun intended) first season of incest, betrayal and the lust for power in a glorious maze of characters. Several months late in reading the books (I read Jessica Zafra thought it slow moving, and I value that woman’s opinion ever so highly) I find myself excited for the hour when I get to curl up to this 800+ page tome, and the next few books after it. Truth be told, I did have the same reaction, the first several chapters…
What a lucky 26 year old, this Jody
To have all these for not just a birthDAY but a birthweekend celebration. What started as a day I was dreading for 2 reasons: 1. I was moving into my LATE twenties. 2. It hit on a Friday, and let me tell you, the last two times my birthday hit a Friday, they sucked big time. So I hoped for the best and expected the worst, not planning anything more than dinner with the family and a celebration with the boyf as well. Let me just say, all the things that I did not expect to fall into place did, by way of: 1. I was supposed to be off…