
Today, I am happy

Because I’ve spent too much of my life focusing on what’s sad.
Because I’ve spent too much time looking at the glass half empty and forgetting that I’m lucky enough as it is to have it filled at all.

Because there is too much beauty in the world to look at the ugly.

I have decided to be happy. Of the ten things competing in my head to make me wallow in depression, there are twenty things I am happy about today.

1. I am happy that I woke up today and got to help my fiance get ready for work.

2. I am happy that my mom brought home a bag full of fresh pandesal to eat with the hungarian sausages I’ve been eyeing in the freezer.

3. I am happy I have three kilos of fresh, ripe mangoes in season that I can eat when I want.

4. I am happy that I get to work under this roof:








5. I am happy to have three dogs deliriously happy that I’m working outside, asking for belly rubs and then falling asleep near my foot.

I have a million things I have decided to be thankful for, and people who I love who remind me that I’m hecka lucky to have them.

So today, I am happy.

What made you happy today?

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