
Bring a date to the Lola Cafe, I did.

So maybe it doesn’t count because my date was my amazing friend/uber talented makeup artist Anna Angeles (she blogs here ), but Lola Cafe + Bar was built for the chill date.

I only read about the place when I was looking for a place to meet Anna, and I really like meeting her in nice places. So we met at

Lola cafe (Anton Diaz blogged about it here) for an afternoon session of girl talk, food and drinks, what we usually do every few months (or if we’re lucky, more often than that).

I found the place very pretty. Not in a girly, explosion of pink way, but clean, with a mostly black and white color scheme, with splashes of color here and there. I definitely loved how the bar looked, with a faux grass front.

The food wasn’t bad either. People have raved about the kare kare, (my favorite Filipino dish ever) but I didn’t feel like scarfing down a whole bowl that day, so I went with the other rave, the Tartufo pasta, basically, truffle cream pasta with portobello mushrooms. It was good. Not amazing, but fairly clean and easy to eat, perfect first date food.

Coupled with the really good drinks we had, it was an afternoon well spent. I had one drink called the lighthouse with ginger and I think apple and rum, and was amping up to drink more, but my date had a deadline, so it was a one drink afternoon.

We had the place mostly to ourselves, so the service was great. We also had two desserts (a pistachio pavlova and a banoffee pie) so we left full, happy, and psyched about our next outing.

So I’ve been lazy and have been eating at the same places these past year, but no more. Here’s to new food experiences, and maybe new adventures altogether.

Anna, fencing? 🙂

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