I’m late to the party, but this weekend I watched and loved the movie Pitch Perfect. New girl crush Anna Kendrick’s deadpan stare just reminds me of Tina Fey, and I liked the character she played. She knew what she liked and she worked to accomplish what she wanted to, even if she had to grit her teeth sometimes to get there.
(But also it showed Grade A flirting with singing, and quips I could never pull off in real life but would like to see done and pulled off).
Mostly, I loved their voices when they sang, especially Anna Kendrick’s alto. 🙂
I got my ticket for the long way round
The one with the prettiest of views
It’s got mountains
It’s got rivers
It’s got sights to give you shivers
But it sure would be prettier with you
You can listen to the song here.
Mountains, rivers, the seas, everything would be prettier with someone that makes you happy.
I hope you find someone who makes you grin today, with flirting, great singing, or just being.
I love Pitch Perfect. I watched it last year and for the whole Christmas season my husband and I would watch the movie over and over again. Sometimes we would forward to the song numbers, sometimes we would go through the whole movie and recite the dialogues. We know the final medleys by heart. He loves the Treblemaker’s finale, and obviously I love love looove The Bellas’ medley.
You know, I should watch it again. Thanks for reminding me. 🙂