I have heard this song before and it’s always been the background of heartbreaking scenes to movies and television shows. After binge watching Nip Tuck tonight, this was the song they chose to end it on. I have to admit, it got absurd and weird toward the end, the show, but hearing this song reeled me back in to the finale. The simplicity of the piano. The straightforward message of the lyrics.
Come on, how can you not shed a tear over “IÂ love you and that’s all I know”? It’s heartbreaking. The other lines point toward pain and suffering and just getting through, but the one constant is that the person loves the other.
Now that’s love. It isn’t really perfect. You hurt each other, even if you try your hardest not to. You make plans, they don’t always work out. It hurts. It sucks sometimes. However, the thing about love, from what I’ve experienced, is that you choose the other person, every day. That decision, and the reasoning behind it, is love.
So listen to Art Garfunkel today young’uns. And get haunted too. I know I’ll be listening to this tonight.
What song has haunted you since you heard it?