Jodythinks · Love/Life · Thanks

Sometimes, we need a little crazy



If you’re in the Philippines, you’ve probably spent hours and hours in traffic getting to places. This year, the traffic is a different kind of struggle, and the malls, like a zombie outbreak. We’re stressing out on an extreme level because everything is taking three times as long, and it’s scary going out there. Crimes against motorists, commuters are on a record high, and the average Juan can’t catch a break while the imprisoned rich are living 200% times better than us.

I do think there is a lot to be thankful for. For the fact that we actually have people to meet and places to go to that we’re braving the traffic and paying extra to get there. That we have the ability to buy the presents we want to give to our loved ones, even if we have to swim through the crowds to do so.

I hope your Christmas is kind of like the photo above (which is a rabbit diving into the food carrier), that even with a bit of struggle, is worth every second of effort.

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