
You’re a reason to celebrate

I am a big fan of birthdays. I like the idea of celebrating because one exists, and for that one reason, it makes all the sense in the world. Maybe it’s because my family always does something for birthdays. We like to throw house parties, or go out for a nice lunch or dinner, or go somewhere. We even have the 24 hour no bad vibe rule that says what the birthday celebrant says, goes (which we like to abuse/challenge everytime someone invokes it).

We’re happy you’re here. Just that thought makes me a little happy. Because this world is difficult. You should celebrate the milestones yes, the achievements you’ve done, but the fact you’ve survived, you’re here, you’ve made it through the horrors and tragedy that hits most everyone on a daily basis is reason enough to have a bit of cake. We all fight our little battles on a daily basis, but there’s also huge, life altering ones that don’t seem like such a big deal for other people, but you have to deal with it, and getting up seems a chore, and putting on a brave face isn’t you, but you went and did it.

Celebrate. Whether it’s 25, 34, 14, be happy you’re here, because in life, no one gets out alive.

What did you do on your birthday? What are you planning to do this coming one?


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