Dear Nanay
I haven’t written in a while, and it’s not because I miss you less. I think, the unfortunate effect of me fully understanding that we won’t have you at anything moving forward has me feeling better but also less excited about life’s milestones. And it shouldn’t. The family is getting bigger. Dinna got a new dog, that I know you would’ve been concerned about because it’s small and might collide with you in excitement. Chinga is getting bigger. She can run around now, and apparently can bully older kids because of her size. This cracks me up but is also unsurprising, as you know, we are Ruedas. I’m happy she…
The End of the Gifts
This isn’t my secret, but I’ve thought about the poem a lot. When times were hard, and things didn’t seem like it would get better, there’s doubt sometimes. And why wouldn’t it be now on everyone’s mind? Writers, television, movies romanticize suicide. 13 Reasons Why was a horrible way to depict the aftermath of it. Like justice was being done because the girl died and left tapes, and there was justification for the act done. It’s dangerous, showing the past with the present because it doesn’t feel like Hannah, the girl who killed herself, is really gone. The flashbacks, the glimpses of her like she would be back, are tired,…