
I hope you find a view like this today.

While January has read like the book of Revelation (this is what growing up Catholic gets you, scary bible references) and it seems like February is going to continue being difficult for all of us involved. I do think we have to make our own little moments of joy and/or quiet when we can.

This weekend has been a great reset, to remember there is still quiet in a perpetually noisy world. While this may not be the prettiest view, and we had to plan the crap out of everything we did, I’m glad to have been part (maybe I planted the idea and everyone else ran with it? Who knows?) of it.

So when you can, grab a pocket of joy and/or quiet when you can. It doesn’t have to be a beach, if you prefer a river, or a mountain, or a rooftop bar, then do that. We deserve it, I think, for surviving.

Where do you go to reset?