1. I ordered handmade resin and acacia wood coasters for my new work desk and they arrived exactly like they were advertised. Beautifully done, they remind me of the salty air, the sound of the waves, and fresh seafood. Well not really, but since they’re the closest I’m getting to the actual ocean for a while, they’ll do.
2. Posole I made and ate over the course of a week. Hominy nixtamalization worked and I have enought for about three batches of posole and that makes me happy.
3. Working through something I was stuck for a bit, and finally have something that I don’t feel sounds idiotic (so far. Version 1.0 is fine, but could get better)
4. Almost cry laughing at work at something I made a mistake on. It was an innocent misunderstanding but I am still chortling about it.
What are you grateful for?