
What I’m grateful for, Week 35 of 52

1. The great outdoors. I have always been a city girl, but in my city, if you’re out of airconditioning for 2 minutes, you get sweaty and lose all fresh feeling. It’s not the same where I am now. The air is fresh, the landscape, amazing. I cannot wax poetic enough of how beautiful everything I’ve seen so far is. And how I get why people do this now, to reset and find time away. I was mistaken, and I will take all opportunities to go on adventures from now on.

2. Reroutes. From almost hitting one of the most exciting cities of the world and needing to cancel twice, the universe offered a peace offering of amazing people and incredible views instead. I got to be with kind, sweet humans and I will never forget the experience.

3. Being wrong about people. Working in the industry I do, I meet a ton of people of different cultures, belief systems, and races. I learn a lot every day and I appreciate being wrong in my preconceptions. I’ve learned more about my colleagues in a nonwork socialization than I thought I would, just being in a car and chatting. Having a real conversation without their “public” persona. Having adventures. Sitting with them.

Song of the week: Humble by Kendrick Lamar

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