Gratitude · Love/Life · Thanks

What I’m grateful for, week 42 of 52

1. Being able to cook. Work has been kicking my ass lately, and it feels like one thing right after another. There are a lot of things I cannot, and will not even try to control, but being home means access to the kitchen I’ve cooked in the most. I cooked a few things this week, and the thing that I love about cooking as a concept is that it’s fairly predictable and you know you’re getting something out of it. My audience though, fairly divided. But that’s another story.

2. Negronis. My last one being in a bar in Haight-Ashbury, having a double I made this week, almost has me back in cozy season with one of my favorite people. For now, alcohol.

3. Fresh sheets. I’m still buried under a mountain of laundry and not the right weather to do it, but hey, had to do something. While my sheets will always be imperfect (because rabbits), they are mine and I do what I can to make myself comfortable.

Song of the week: Sun and Moon by Lea Salonga and Simon Bowman

What are you grateful for?

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