Gratitude · Jodythinks · Love/Life

What I’m grateful for, week 52 of 52

1. Life. I talk a lot of shit about finding it hard to find the good of every day, and it does happen for me, but with this pandemic still raging on — it’s becoming more and more common to hear one person be here one moment, and not in the next. My immediate family and loved ones are all still here. Our lives have changed and I have not been able to be in the presence of some people I love since this all started — but we still get to. I’m grateful for that.

2. Support. I am so grateful for the people that show up for me on a regular basis without me asking. It’s so much just trying to survive for yourself now, to have people that put in the extra mile is such a big deal.

3. Opportunities. Doors are opening for me, and there are different things that help. I love being able to choose without any scrutiny other than my own.

Song of the week: Adult Movies by Litany

What are you grateful for?


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