Status report: 6 bad migraine days out of 7, but successfully refilled with – full box of of ibuprofen. If only I was wrecking my liver with more fun things.
1. Dad’s birthday. Excessive amounts of food and snark, even if I had to sleep early for work. I love birthdays and making a big deal out of them. My dad is no such person for it — secretly he likes the celebrations though.
2. Losing a colleague. I hate that this is the second in 4 months. I hate that it was so sudden. I hate that he had so much potential and that the team had so much plans for him. I hate that his family is suffering. I hate losing people and seeing people suffer. No more deaths at work. Please.
What a week. Hug your loved ones. Tell them you love them. Life is short.
Song of the week: Somewhere Over the Rainbow by Israel Kamakawiwo’ole