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Life is short, week 26 of 52

Status update: Migraines and insomnia. Advil close to running out, and Tylenol has stopped working for headaches. Is the insomnia causing the migraines or are the migraines causing the insomnia?

Life is short moments of the week:

1. Chipped teeth getting fixed. Teeth are expensive, and now even more so. I broke two front teeth and was semi-hillbilly like for a day. It was nice seeing the dentist I’ve seen since I was in the single digits. Couple decades later and we’ve seen her get married, have two kids, and now have one graduate college.

2. Routine checkups turning into health scares. Mom is great about regular checkups, dad not so much. She took him with her on a routine checkup that turned very scary for a couple days. Thankfully it was handled (not by me, but people who are actually awake and around when doctors are on), but here’s crossing all fingers and toes that it resolves soon. I haven’t seen my doctors since the pandemic started, but I hope it’s not terrible. (i know i know. I’ll figure it out)

3. Seeing family. Family time is amazing and is a great way to reset. We had to go home for Ninang’s 40 days, and to finally clean out Nanay’s things. As a grandkid that didn’t grow up with her and having limited shared memories, I was very thankful to have an opportunity to reminisce. Also to take some of her things home. I’m literally going to be rocking some grandma style soon and I can’t wait.

Song of the week: Hold my Hand by Jess Glynne
