Gratitude · Jodythinks · Love/Life · Work

Life is short, week 33 of 52

Status report: Finished my nebules, and I don’t know if I’m hallucinating the cigarette smoke going into the vents.

Life moments of the week:

1. Chester being back at the vet, diagnosed with stress. I get it Chester, I miss her too. So much so this week, when I realized how much you follow me around now. She was such a big personality, and she loved on both of us so well, that we’re both feeling the hole she left. It’ll get better, I promise.

2. A wake up call. There’s nothing like a jarring realization to reset you. This past week, I got a punch in the gut of sorts and had to walk away for a minute. It was frankly, demeaning, but also, a good way to pull me back to earth. You never really know until it gets called out — how much your efforts mean to people. Two years ago, this would have prompted a lot of emotional reactions. Now it’s more reason to find meaning in not just one part of my life. Including evaluating where I am and where I need to be. Maybe I’m learning to be more mature. Or maybe I already know where I need to get to.

3. Being able to sing again. I have been literally coughing for a month. So much so if I have more than 30 minutes of conversation, I lose my voice. So I haven’t been singing. Not even speaking when I don’t have to. It’s being managed by really good asthma medication (And overtesting against covid) and now I can sing again. And I have been hitting musicals. Lea, Idina, Kristin

Song of the week: This is Me by Kaela Settle


Gratitude · Jodythinks · Love/Life · Work

Life is short, week 32 of 52

Status update: Once a week nebulizing, but an almost everyday relationship with my inhaler. Only one migraine for the week which is a win — but also upping my caffeine intake by a lot with yakult jasmine iced teas. Eh. We do what we can.

Moments of the week:

1. New routines with Cheester. He has been extra clingy with Chibi being gone and has been “going to work” and then “heading back” every day. We may have overdone it with the treats but we live, we learn.

2. Timing. Cheester had mild stasis on a Friday — but also Doc Ferds, our favorite vet was in town out of schedule. I am thoroughly grateful for timing for this instance. We might not have saved our Chibi, but she is saving her Chester(is what I’d like to think.).

3. Time to breathe a bit. I have been running ragged learning new things and making sure we’re able to deliver. It’s challenging, and it’s overwhelming and incredibly stressful, but at the end, we’re growing. The after work moments of being able to laugh at the last season of Brooklyn 99, and restocking the fridge with 3 kinds of ice cream are what gets me through.

4. Dinner/lunch with a couple of friends. Yes I usually just want to sit and listen at the end of my workdays these days. But seeing friends — even if I don’t contribute as much to conversation, is a blessing. Just laughing about silly things. Eating too much. Smelling like Korean barbecue even after two showers. All worth it.

Song of the week: I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For by U2


food · Gratitude · Jodythinks · Love/Life

Life is short, week 31 of 52

Status report: Hives 7 days a week, and now nebulizing my asthma — and got my first inhaler. I need to get my shit together. Or get more sleep. One or the other.

Moments of the week:

1. Learning a new skill. A couple friends came over with a full kit and caboodle and spent most of Saturday teaching me and my sister a new skill — putting on our own makeup. Honestly — was much less stressful than I thought. Can I remake the look without close supervision? That’s yet to be proven. But I did order a mirror because there is a shortage of it in this house. Baby steps. I’ve always enjoyed a smoky eye — and was able to create a brown tinted one successfully. That’s not a small thing for a person who didn’t own foundation (until her sister bought the wrong shade and had to give it to her).

2. A group chat. Honestly, this chat keeps me sane a lot of the time. These are wonderful friends and people I respect. They show up, and are a big part of why I’m still alive and kicking.

3. A great cheese plate. Said cousin from the week before gave us ingredients for a heck of an amazing cheese plate. I always make the ugliest looking ones — but this one was styled by said friend, and actually looked fanfriggingtastic.

Song of the week: Make Me Wanna Die by The Pretty Reckless


food · Gratitude · Jodythinks · Love/Life

Life is short, week 30 of 52

Status report: I think I’ve developed GERD because now I get woken up by the feeling of nausea. Anxiety hives are twice a day now. I live on a diet of sugar and caffeine.

Life is short moments from the past week:

1. Cheester being such a good coworker. We’ve been attached at the hip, which makes it hard to actually go out, but it’s like he’s taken it upon himself to be my emotional support animal. And because I’ve had a really overwhelming few weeks, it’s really made a difference.

2. Learning a lot. It’s a lot. I’m always the first person to admit I’m not an expert, but I always make sure to ask questions. I’m still on a “do you know this” stage for a lot of things, but so far everyone on this learning journey has been incredibly kind, go above and beyond, and has so much willingness to help.

3. Seeing old friends. We literally spent a few hours saying we’re old. Realized we’ve been friends for more than a decade. Hung out with another friend at her amazing place. I lost several hours of sleep but it was well worth it.

Song of the week: Take a Chance on Me from the Mamma Mia soundtrack


food · Jodythinks · Love/Life · Thanks

Life is short, week 29 of 52

Status report: ran out of mini cokes. Now have gone to sakto cokes. Woke up Friday night feeling like a limp noodle that got left in a wire basket in a ramen place over the weekend. Still not a hundred percent but feeling significantly better (but still on every legal remedy possible).

Here are the moments I clocked on mental snapshots last week:

1. Chester becoming my new shadow. Chester has always been the alpha bun — and very independent. Since we lost Chibi we have both found ourselves re-bonding with each other. He gets up with me to work, he asks for middle of my “night” cuddles, and he checks when I’m away for too long. While our lives are infinitely less colorful without Chibi, I’m happy he has found solace in my company, because he is mine.

2. Helping a bit. Night shift, among other things, makes me so much less useful to my parents, except for some things here and there. Last week I got to help a little, and being useful helps me balance my guilt. I hope.

3. My cousin’s chicken puffs. I think i ate 30++ chicken cheese empanada puffs as full meals for five days. They’re good, they’re easy, they’re made by family and I don’t have to worry about a lot of cleanup. Sometimes some things just make sense.

Song of the week: Love Songs Ain’t For Us by Amy Shark
