The calmest, most loving rabbit I have ever had, Chester peacefully passed in my arms Saturday night. He had a challenging last three months of his life, vet visits, liver disease, almost a month in total of confinement.
In the end, he gave it his all, and held on until he could, gave us time to say goodbye. He laid down his head and was gone.
He saw us through 10 years of good milestones, and broken hearts. He was our designer item authenticator. He was a vet favorite. He was the best bunny brother for all his bunny sisters. They have now welcomed him over the rainbow bridge, and he can run again. Eat all the basil and banana he can. Flop again.
Thank you Chester for everything, and when it’s my time I hope I’ll see you again. That I’ll deserve your company when I cross.
I love you my buko buks.