food · Gratitude · Jodythinks · Love/Life · Thanks

What made me happy, July 10, 2023

Status report: After being given a glowing once over on my 3 month checkup, a couple things have come up. One, that I had terrible acidity this week, extra keep me up at night episodes, and the other, I fear my knee has ripped fully. Tbd, but need to get answers because I can’t bend without wincing.

But there are bright spots that made me happy this past week:

1. Being able to do a sendoff with a friend of more than 11 years. A friend is packing up her whole family to go to Canada and start a new life. I’ve known her since forever, and even her kids and husband. While we didn’t see each other often enough (see, 3 kids and husband), when we do, it’s always falling into the same dynamic. I am so happy for her, and this is the end of an era, but I am glad that she’s carving out this new life in a new place. If anyone can do it, she can.

2. Moments with Chester. This year, my old man turns 9. That’s pretty dang old for rabbits. He looks it too, and is definitely less spry. But he still comes up to me for treats, or head rubs, and melts in enjoyment. I love him so much, much more than every single bedsheet, pillow and blanket I own and he chews.

3. The randomness of friendship. If you told me five years ago who my closest friends would be, I wouldn’t believe you. However, after reflection lately, I realize that a lot of the people I love — started off in the most random of ways. And I’m grateful for their sunshine. I go dark so often, and can really dig in deep, that just their being happy can make me feel better about my own struggles sometimes. In a world full of bastard covered people with bastard filling, this bastard is incredibly thankful about the bastards around her.

Songs of the week:

Heartbreaker by Mariah Carey feat Jay-Z

Hold Me Tight by Evan Rachel Wood (Across the Universe OST)

Maybe This Time by Liza Minelli (Cabaret OST)

What makes you happy?


food · Gratitude · Jodythinks · Love/Life

What made me happy, as of May 22, 2023

Status report: Not exercising as much as I need due to extenuating circumstances, been upping my caffeine, not eating great.

The happy thoughts of the previous week:

1. Getting a little bit of perspective. I have been so out of sorts lately that I forgot about other people. Hearing from others and making sure I have all the pieces helps. I’ve been drowning in my own internal monologue that it helps to hear someone else’s voice.

2. Trying new food. I am a sucker for hotpot. Ever since my first Taiwan trip with the best friend, I’ve been trying to find where else to get hotpot that fun. So far, I found one, but in Southern California, which is less than useless to me because that’s even farther than Taipei. Having tried Jiang Nan this week, it was good, but still not amazing. Here’s to the hotpot hunt!

3. Fun coincidences. I have been talking about a watch with my sister and a friend for the past few months, and last week, at a lunch with a coworker, she showed up wearing one. I took it as a sign to get one myself. Did i go to all the stores in the country that had it and failed miserably? Yes, yes I did. But i’m not giving up. I want to get it from the actual store. Use that escort money (inside joke) for something that actually lasts.

Songs of the week:

Sway My Way by R3HAB, Amy Shark

Lost by Frank Ocean

Upside Down by JVKE

Lovers by Anna of the North

What made you happy lately?


food · Gratitude · Jodythinks · Love/Life · Songs to listen to

Things that made me happy lately, March 27, 2023

Status report: BP monitor broke and I couldn’t get readings for 3 days, which coincided with a migraine that would not quit for 2. I must’ve had 4 coffees and 3 advils a day to try and address it, but the drugs and caffeine wouldn’t work. Recent theory, too much heat.

My happy things:

1. This moment from Fleabag. In as much as this was a pretty messed up pairing in theory, the chemistry, the connection, all the things that led to this bittersweet moment, it just, makes the emo teenager in me come alive. Especially the line “When you find somebody you love, it feels like hope.”, in this incredibly hellish simulation of modern life, hope feels preposterous.

2. Two amazing restaurants in a week. One family favorite, and one we tried once and have always wanted to get back to. It’s very difficult to get our dad to try anything, or really, deviate from the 5 restaurants he picks from on a regular basis. This can get frustratingly challenging sometimes, especially for birthdays that are not his. However, we were able to get to places this past week that he didn’t hate. Wins in themselves. But also, meals that I don’t have to think about that just go well? Great.

3. Phone calls. See, most of my phone calls are things I have to attend for work. Some were incredibly tense last week, but I did get on non tense, just refreshingly honest ones with friends last week. When people you love are 11000++ kilometers away, this is one of the few options to be there for each other. Unless you want to spend several thousand dollars and 14 hours in a plane. Which, I may still do eventually this year. I just have to figure it out. At a minimum, 5 states, 11 cities to see everyone i Iove, with a hell of a lot of planning and money burning. For now, facetimes and commiserating. Discussing big things, or nonsensical ones. Just being in the same “space” for a while. It helps a lot.

Songs of the week:

So Good Right Now by Fall Out Boy

Talking to Myself by Lauv

Girl Be Mine by Francis M


food · Gratitude · Jodythinks · Love/Life

Life is short, week 42 of 52

Status report: Second booster kicked my 🍑 but it’s better than risking my third season of covid.

Here are my reminders of the week about why we get up in the morning:

1. Pepper moving in with me and Chester. So it hasn’t been easy. In fact it’s been insanely difficult trying to fit two very territorial, not small, headstrong rabbits in such a small space, but we’re finding a way. Her full name is now Pepperoncini (family traditiion) and she’s a BIG GIRL. I love her already. I hope she and Chester find their love for each other soon.

2. Seeing family and eating a lot, too much, after almost 3 years. In traditional All Saint’s Day, it’s a whole day of sitting around mauseleums with family, praying and eating. Since we can’t risk it right now, we travelled as a whole group to go early. Had several moments of note. All the food was amazing. Definitely worth the trek.

3. Meaningful conversations. I’ve had a lot of meaningful conversations lately. It takes a lot out of me, but it matters. Taking the time to show up for myself, and people I care about, matters. It also helps to keep yourself in check, and being vulnerable also helps us keep ourselves real.

Song of the week: Feel so Good by Mase


food · Gratitude · Jodythinks · Love/Life

Life is short, week 31 of 52

Status report: Hives 7 days a week, and now nebulizing my asthma — and got my first inhaler. I need to get my shit together. Or get more sleep. One or the other.

Moments of the week:

1. Learning a new skill. A couple friends came over with a full kit and caboodle and spent most of Saturday teaching me and my sister a new skill — putting on our own makeup. Honestly — was much less stressful than I thought. Can I remake the look without close supervision? That’s yet to be proven. But I did order a mirror because there is a shortage of it in this house. Baby steps. I’ve always enjoyed a smoky eye — and was able to create a brown tinted one successfully. That’s not a small thing for a person who didn’t own foundation (until her sister bought the wrong shade and had to give it to her).

2. A group chat. Honestly, this chat keeps me sane a lot of the time. These are wonderful friends and people I respect. They show up, and are a big part of why I’m still alive and kicking.

3. A great cheese plate. Said cousin from the week before gave us ingredients for a heck of an amazing cheese plate. I always make the ugliest looking ones — but this one was styled by said friend, and actually looked fanfriggingtastic.

Song of the week: Make Me Wanna Die by The Pretty Reckless


food · Gratitude · Jodythinks · Love/Life

Life is short, week 30 of 52

Status report: I think I’ve developed GERD because now I get woken up by the feeling of nausea. Anxiety hives are twice a day now. I live on a diet of sugar and caffeine.

Life is short moments from the past week:

1. Cheester being such a good coworker. We’ve been attached at the hip, which makes it hard to actually go out, but it’s like he’s taken it upon himself to be my emotional support animal. And because I’ve had a really overwhelming few weeks, it’s really made a difference.

2. Learning a lot. It’s a lot. I’m always the first person to admit I’m not an expert, but I always make sure to ask questions. I’m still on a “do you know this” stage for a lot of things, but so far everyone on this learning journey has been incredibly kind, go above and beyond, and has so much willingness to help.

3. Seeing old friends. We literally spent a few hours saying we’re old. Realized we’ve been friends for more than a decade. Hung out with another friend at her amazing place. I lost several hours of sleep but it was well worth it.

Song of the week: Take a Chance on Me from the Mamma Mia soundtrack


food · Jodythinks · Love/Life · Thanks

Life is short, week 29 of 52

Status report: ran out of mini cokes. Now have gone to sakto cokes. Woke up Friday night feeling like a limp noodle that got left in a wire basket in a ramen place over the weekend. Still not a hundred percent but feeling significantly better (but still on every legal remedy possible).

Here are the moments I clocked on mental snapshots last week:

1. Chester becoming my new shadow. Chester has always been the alpha bun — and very independent. Since we lost Chibi we have both found ourselves re-bonding with each other. He gets up with me to work, he asks for middle of my “night” cuddles, and he checks when I’m away for too long. While our lives are infinitely less colorful without Chibi, I’m happy he has found solace in my company, because he is mine.

2. Helping a bit. Night shift, among other things, makes me so much less useful to my parents, except for some things here and there. Last week I got to help a little, and being useful helps me balance my guilt. I hope.

3. My cousin’s chicken puffs. I think i ate 30++ chicken cheese empanada puffs as full meals for five days. They’re good, they’re easy, they’re made by family and I don’t have to worry about a lot of cleanup. Sometimes some things just make sense.

Song of the week: Love Songs Ain’t For Us by Amy Shark


food · Gratitude · Jodythinks · Love/Life

Life is short, week 23 of 52

Status report: Hives, 5 out of 7 days. I’m going to need to restock antihistamines soon.

Life is short moments of the week:

1. Getting to my favorite local market. Farmer’s market has always been solid. Super fresh veggies and seafood in reasonable prices. Which meant I spent more than usual on veggies and fresh ingredients. Scored sashimi, lemons, and such fresh shrimp. Always makes me feel better, even if my wallet feels lighter.

2. My favorite Italian place in the city. In the 90s, an Italian former papparazo married a Filipina, and they opened a restaurant in Cubao Expo. It was exceptionally good that day — everything was done a la minute and served perfectly. My mom was groaning in fullness but it was only because her pants weren’t stretchy and her belt was high up. She is the most of the three of us to want to suffer for fashion.

3. The best new smell i’ve smelled in a while. While at Cubao Expo, Joannaman pointed out a candle shop she said she follows on Instagram. It was The Doctor Chandler shop. First sniff and we were hooked. Mom bought their Oxytocin scent within the first 4 minutes, while Joannaman and I spent 15 minutes smelling most of everything. We had to narrow down our likes to one, and I picked Testosterone. Joannaman didn’t buy anything, but my list of what else to try are Adrenaline, Carbon and Oxygen. I am frankly obsessed and light this candle when I wind down at the end of the day and am lying down. I will prolly do this until I get super tired of it.

Song of the week: The Story by Brandi Carlile


food · Jodythinks · Love/Life · Thanks

Life is short, week 22 of 52

Status report: Little sleep = more migraines. But heart happy because of making time to get a life.

Life is short moments of the week:

1. Enjoying something on trend. Ikea opened up late last year, and my mom and sister got to it before I did. They took me last week and I enjoyed myself more than I thought it would. Mostly coz they were super pumped too. Even if I wanted to be rolled out of pallet by the time it was over. It was fun and I found things I liked that I don’t know how to install.

2. Making food for friends. I wanted to see my friends. My friends are busy people with lives that actually work in the days. I made food that took two days of prep and a lot of going around doing things, but it was worth every second. Not to mention they assembled my furniture for me. All in all 11/10 time used.

3. Nostalgic favorites. There’s a family recipe for iced tea that I never make because it takes so much time and I end up drinking a whole lot of it, and it’s sugary stuff. I took the time to make it last week and sure enough, I am still drinking it up to now. It’s not healthy but it does make me happy. Sugary drinks will be the end of me — but it helps with the hypoglycemia and short bursts of fun things.

Song of the week: Nothing’s Gonna Stop Us Now by Starship


Cheese · food · Gratitude · Jodythinks · Love/Life

Life is short, week 13 of 52

Status report: 3 days of migraines, 2 of insomnia. Trying to stick to better habits, but still cooking my liver.

1. Clearing my head. My foray into semi anonymous humanity was a very intense learning experience. It made me learn a ton more about myself, (Tbh I’m getting really tired of all this self introspection, I like learning about other people) and it just makes me more grateful for my people.

2. Someone else willing to drive. Migraines and insomnia do not make a good driver, so I am incredibly grateful for my access to people who are willing to drive around and just help. It’s a lot considering where I live, and it’s a blessing.

3. Silliness with friends. I have so little time to really be there for the people I care about, and any time is a gift. I had time with friends that I didn’t really expect to get, so I am grateful.

Song of the week: Times Like These by Foo Fighters
