food · Jodythinks · Love/Life · Thanks

Life is short, week 11 of 52

Status report: Maybe I’m giving myself migraines with my stupidity.

1. Tamales week. Lame but I cannot for the life of me find corn husks to make this at home. So every time my favorite Mexican place has them, I have to order. So it’s been 2 dozen tamales over (less than) a week.

2. Seeing friends succeed. Towards the end of the week, we passed by our friend Cherry’s new cafe. I remember her starting this business years ago from home. She was juggling a full time job, two kids, and two new businesses. She pivoted with the pandemic and have now built a brick and mortar store. She is talented, hardworking, creative, and most importantly, a fucking great person and I can’t be any prouder. If you want an amazing spread at your next event, definitely book her. Also she’s gorgeous and a joy to be around. Just saying. Her business is The Table Spread Co.

3. Getting (a smidge) dressed up. After a rough week, I knew I had a few social things lined up. I wanted to really change things up for a sec, and got almost a disturbing amount of compliments from my friends. Even better, I got hugged. I didn’t have much sleep and my voice had already cycled to its exhausted version on the way there, but it was worth it.

4. New (old) restaurant discovery. Provenciano in Maginhawa for mom’s birthday. First time in an actual restaurant with the family in two years. I’ve wanted to try Provenciano longer than that, but have never found good timing or decent parking. Even better, family was happy. We were so new food giddy. Amazingly good.

Song of the week: Happier than Ever by Astn

What were your life is short moments this week?


food · Gratitude · Jodythinks · Love/Life · Thanks

Life is short, week 9 of 52

Status check: Ibuprofen no longer works alone. Tylenol or a diphenhydramine add is needed. Or maybe I just need to actually fall asleep for more than 3 hours a day.

Last week’s moments:

1. Going down the rabbit hole. I am in a sociological experiment that is bound to produce horrific results. It’s going to be great. Dignity, and prodding the worst instincts of semi anonymous culture, here we go.

2. We show up. When friends experience loss, especially life, we show up. That’s it. I hate that it’s happened again so soon, but we show up. No matter what. And I would hug my friends for as long as I could, and honestly, I needed it too.

3. Beautiful things and blowing up my wallet. Made some not so responsible financial choices about some delicious and/or pretty things. Suffice to say— i need some places to try these things on.

Song of the week: Josh by Peach PRC


food · Gratitude · Love/Life · Work

Life is short, week 7 of 52

Status report: 4 out of 7 days of migraines, 3 of 7 in hives. It’s all about balance folks.

Things to note:

1. Taking a day off for a rebalancing. Instead of the responsible thing and diving straight into my 2021 tax stuff like I should, I took the day off and did some fun things. Had too much fun belly laughing at a playground. Had too much sashimi and steak. Laughed too hard looking at cars. Sometimes too much can be good too.

2. Spending a bit too much grocery shopping. Food costs are insane right now — but also a safer way to destress after a long day. I spent way too much on groceries in a span of seven days — but I am now very happy about my stocked pantry and can cook for a change. Ready to over prepare food because I can’t live in a house that isn’t overflowing with food.

3. Learning more about what I can do. I reached a couple limits this week while doing projects — and it was a reality check. I want to focus on being less dependent on others for data so I can make recommendations with full confidence, and spreadsheets are still my achilles heel. I can’t fumble on things every time — so I am really going to sit down and work on this for myself.

Song of the week: Let’s Fall in Love for the Night by Finneas


food · Gratitude · Love/Life · Thanks

What I’m grateful for, week 44 of 52

1. Meeting a friend’s newborn via Zoom. I’ve seen pictures, I’ve asked about the baby, but I finally met her this week. She was wonderful. This thing I’ve done where half the people I love will always be half the world away? Honestly hurts, but that’s what happens when you keep your heart open. People can get in. And now I have a whole new generation of loved ones across the world.

2. New food with old friends. One of my favorite couples took me out this weekend and it was fantastic. To be around them, to walk outdoors, to see beautiful things and have dope food. I know I wasn’t the best company but I was really very happy.

3. Making one of my favorite banchan. It was terrible because it was too salty, but now I know I can. Veg + sesame oil is a fantastic combination I will always try.

Song of the week: I Always Wanna Die (Sometimes) by The 1975

What are you grateful for?

food · Gratitude · Jodythinks · Love/Life

What I‘m grateful for, week 41 of 52

1. Thoughtful friends that center their care around food. This week, I got a gift card for food, my friend’s signature dish sent over, and my favorite brownies sent over. In this pandemic, the Philippines really embraced care packages of food more than ever, and if anything, I’m grateful that we still get to show our affection this way. It’s still doesn’t compare to sharing a meal together, but it helps.

2. Supportive family members. I’ve been going insane readjusting to Philippine lockdown, and i’ve not been super helpful, but I’ve gotten so much support from the fam. It’s big because I know I’ve been spoiled with being able to escape and they haven’t. It’s a lot and I don’t know how they do it. But i appreciate it. Can I do it in the same amount? Probably not. But I’ll try and do better.

3. Being able to drive again. Driving mom to errands makes me feel a smidge helpful, but I’m also very limited timing wise because of my work schedule, but we work around it. Next time I head to the states, hopefully I get my international driving license, but for now, driving in my crazy hometown is good for me.

food · Gratitude · Jodythinks · Love/Life

What I’m grateful for, week 40 of 52

1. A delicious bowl of ramen. It’s been a minute, and I keep forgetting how good we have it on ramen choices here in Manila, until I travel to places where it’s a lot less hyped up, and people are less likely to crave it more often. Got myself a Ramen Nagi Green King, and it was so good. Next time, hopefully, Mendokoro.

2. An insanely good cup of coffee. A friend said they would be near a Toby’s Estate. I went manic and bought myself a hella expensive bag of Woolloo Moolloo beans from my favorite coffee place in Manila. Totally worth it, but also prolly an extremely expensive daily upgrade.

3. Great customer service. The buns get their food from Rabbito Mart, and their communications, branding, and customer service are top notch. There are even Chibi and Cheester stickers! I feel extremely lucky to have found them as suppliers, and trust them a lot.

Song of the week: Beggin’ by Mäneskin

What are you grateful for this week?

food · Gratitude · Love/Life

What I’m grateful for, week 18/52

1. Lavender things. I realized this week that most of what I buy for myself in scent is lavender, for sleep help. I got myself a tub of Sleepy from Lush that I only use for when I am lying down to sleep, and it is slowly making my pillows the same scent, which is a nice plus.

3. Getting a banoffee pie delivered, and getting ingredients for margaritas. Same person who is much more patient than me in food styling and driving, making me doubly happy in the same day.

2. New songs on my playlists. I have been listening to more music lately, and I have been needing more new things to switch out the songs I have been listening to death. Song of the week is Hang On Me by St. Vincent, feels too real but also is a bit comforting.

4. Parents’ anniversary and Mother’s day in the same weekend = more food. I am a chonk but a happy chonk.

It’s still weird (I’m still weird), but I am getting a little more used to the weird.

What are you grateful for this week?

food · Jodythinks

To more meatless meals (Say that three times fast)

So I’ve been trying to eat less meat on a daily basis. Mostly because of my carbon footprint, some because I recently met a vegan that really showed me what a good vegan meal tasted like and explained without malice or condescension why he does it, and a little bit to see if it really does save money.

I have to tell you, I have not been a healthy meatless eater. I’m still getting used to less intake. I’m not sure if it’s because there’s no meat in the meals or because I’ve been cooking what I really want to eat, but I feel like I’ve been eating more. I make basil pesto from scratch and end up eating two bowls of pasta. Hummus and I eat 2 cups of carrots and a hunk of hummus. I even bought a mandoline the other day to make potato gratin and Disney style ratatouille and I ended up eating a whole bowlful of gratin.

My first potato gratin

It’s certainly cheaper. A can of garbanzos versus half a kilo of pork. Fresh basil versus ground beef for spaghetti. Although the gratin ended up expensive because of the cheese and the cream, it’s still cheaper than my mom’s recipe for lasagna. I mostly eat vegetarian because I like my butter and cream but I’ve certainly removed the meat.

You still have to make good choices. Less fat. Steam instead of stir fry. Maybe don’t drown veggies in soy sauce. Don’t use the whole stick of butter in the recipe. Use less salt and more herbs and spices.

Honestly, it’s been a strain for my wallet and the electric bill. More blending or using the turbo oven. Personally buying ingredients. Spending time finding recipes and making the food myself. Eating the rejects or the stuff people don’t respond to.

But it weighs a bit easier on the conscience, and recently I’ve been thinking about the genes I’ve inherited. See what that means for my future. Maybe these choices will make it less risky. And it won’t feel like a sacrifice because I’ll like it.

Now to make the ratatouille.


A bid at eating better: Overnight Oats

I am not known for my healthy eating choices. In fact, I’ve had not less than four people tell me expressly that they avoid my social media feed so as not to get hungry. And I do admit that it’s my vice. Some people drink, some people smoke, I eat. And it’s not pretty and there are several chins and wasted wardrobes to attest to the fact that I am a woman who really likes to eat.

But I digress.

In a bid to offset my binge periods (of which there are many), I try to eat better when I am working. There have been several months of chicken in salt free marinades roasted in a turbo broiler (none of which can be called anything else than sad chicken), sugar-free cold brew coffee, and now overnight oats. 

I would like to precede this conversation by revealing that I hate oatmeal. It’s mushy, sad, and feels like glue after half a cup, and for some reason, makes me ravenous for “real” food after an hour. I did have a ton of granola ingredients from my trip to the US last year in which to play with so I figured, how could half a mason jar worth hurt? So I assembled the following in a jar and put it to stew in the fridge:

  1. A third of the jar full rolled oats
  2. A layer of flaxseed meal
  3. A layer of hemp hearts
  4. A layer of dried fruit (raisins, blueberries, figs)
  5. A layer of unsalted nuts
  6. Drown all of it in milk

It’s not very scientific but I figure the flaxseed meal adds a bit of nuttiness that makes it less glue-y, and the hemp hearts and nuts add bite and texture (again to counteract the glue-y). So far I have been eating this at least three times a week for the past three weeks. It’s not helping me lose weight (especially when I forget and eat a whole bottle in one sitting), but I figure the oatmeal helps counteract all the bacon, bagnet, chicharon that I have been consuming due to great opportunities and the lack of self control that comes with vacations.

It’s great. It keeps me full at least four hours, and it doesn’t make me feel like I’m restricting myself. It’s not very cheap and it will be a challenge to find replacements to some of the ingredients when I run out, but so far, I like it.

I’ll let you know what I find to replace when things run out.

What do you eat to counteract all the bad things you do to your body?

food · Jodythinks · Restaurant reviews

Quick thoughts: Cafe Seoulhwa’s bingsu

I am not a girl that goes to BGC (Bonifacio Global City) often. It is, in today’s traffic, three hours away from where I work/live. This was confirmed when I tagged along my sister and her friends’ monthly dinner thing a couple of weeks ago. We had checked beforehand how long it would take as we didn’t exactly know where the place was (it was the suggestion of their friend that lived in Taguig).

We went to Cafe Seoulhwa for their bingsu, according to Google, a shaved ice dessert with toppings. For 90s kids who grew up in the Philippines, Ice Monster type things.

We ordered two bingsus, the Mango Cheese (P240 for the small) and the Strawberry (also a small at P240)

Strawberry and mango bingsus
Strawberry and mango bingsus


They were great. Really creamy, and the ice wasn’t just ice, it tasted creamy. The fruit was fresh and the whipped cream/ice cream, not too sweet. It was soothing, delicious and not too sweet. The servings were large, that by the time we were halfway through, my sister and I were looking at each other, eyeing one another at who could finish the strawberry bingsu we were sharing. (I did, btw)

It’s definitely a return item. Now if they can only open one in the north.

You can find Cafe Seoulhwa at BGC:

2/F Forum BGC South Global
7th Ave. cor. Federacion Drive
Bonifacio Global City, Taguig, Philippines
Their Facebook account is here.

Bring around P550 for two people for separate desserts, or share a small one after a meal and try their toasts or coffee.