Since March of 2020, I’ve repeated the same phrase over and over, usually when I’m trying to justify a choice that’s not smart, practical, or necessarily good. LIFE IS SHORT. PEOPLE DIE ALL THE TIME. It’s becoming more and more accurate the more time passes. We keep losing people right and left. There’s wars, genocides,… Read more
Today the universe sent me a reminder. As I was walking back to my place, I saw some of the neighborhood cats. I proceeded to open a sachet of wet food I had in my pocket and offered it to the cats. As one of them was pregnant and we had not made friends before,… Read more
You’re still here. Read more
We were all together. We miss you every single day Jaye. Read more
Out of shape, can’t remember what I used to look like, and who I was. -J Read more
Status report: MRI day. Trying not to have surgery, but I might need it. What’s made me happy lately: 1. Chester’s 9th year with us. He has saved my life too many times to count. He has also cost me hundreds of thousands of pesos of damage, because he only chews expensive things. At least… Read more
Status report: I wish I could go back to sleeping 8 hours straight without sleep ai Read more