Gratitude · Jodythinks · welcome · Work

What I’m grateful for, week 13/52

1. I got a new workdesk last week as a gift. It was so mindblowing to me, that it’s still sinking in. I’ll write about it in a separate post because I am so flabbergasted by the whole thing.

2. I bought a nixtamalization kit, which is step one of having my own hominy, which is also the key to making myself happy. Posole is one of my favorite comforting things, and it’s really not the same without hominy. If I get this right, I’m going to keep making posole rojo and hopefully attempt posole verde.

3. Midweek catch up with a few friends that also surprised me, like so surprised I think coffee was redundant for my workday. I’m still shaking my head and laughing to myself about it now.

4. Learning new things at work. Work is not perfect, not by a long shot (because what workplace is?), but I am enjoying mostly learning about every cog in the machine. And working with really smart people keeps me on my toes, especially the ones that are funny too.

What are you grateful for?

Jodythinks · welcome

Hello, Chunky


This is Chunky Butter. New lady of the house, licker of all things. She is a Holland Lop we adopted in March from a farm in Batangas, and it’s been a joy to be with her. She is definitely a character, going from an enthusiastic cuddler to running away when someone is trying to approach her. She loves hay more than pellets. She tends to be territorial about basil, and she licks every dang thing she can reach.

She is a tiny little thing, and from what I’ve read, she’s not going to be as big as Chester, which is good, that she’ll still get big enough to play with him but not too big to not be comfortable in our space. Her name was derived from the Chunk on her nose, which is a characteristic of her coloring, “broken” from what I’ve read.

She has been sick since we’ve gotten her however, from having stomach problems, to sneezing fits we have not been able to get rid of for months, we’ve taken her to the vet so much they know her by name. I’d like to stop worrying about her, but this has been a learning experience on what to consult, the delicate nature of bunnies, and bonding with her. When Chester has been with me sporadically, she has been with me almost all her stay with us. She’s gotten bigger and more enthusiastic, and has been more comfortable in the space.

I love this Chunk and I hope she gets better soon. Just keep swimming!