
The new normal

Chester at almost 10

This is Chester. He turns 10 in a month. When we met him, he was a baby at a pet store, and he cost ₱280 pesos (around $4.8 usd). This was in 2014. Since then he has been the constant of my life. He’s outlived 3 female bonded pairs (Sasha, Chunky, Chibi RIP). He’s had 2 celebrity vets. 3 homes, 5 rooms. And recently, more than a month of medical emergencies and vet visits at 2 clinics.

It started off with a watery eye and consistent sneezing. Because his main vet was out travelling, we took him to new vets, and because of his age, they did a battery of tests. His xray showed overgrown molars, and they warned us (A LOT) about putting him under. Because it wasn’t getting any better, after a teary facetime (because he just HAD to have issues when I was overseas), they put him under to trim his teeth.

He survived to live another day, but he refused to eat or drink. Looking very poorly, my sister and mom drove him to the (other) emergency vet. after ANOTHER teary facetime where they warned us A LOT again about the survival rate of rabbits his age. They put an iv on him to rehydrate and he was confined for the evening.

The update we got the next day couldn’t be any better. He ate hay by himself and they told us we could take him home that afternoon. It was challenging at the time because of an event my sister was going to, but the plan was to take him to our house so my brother could look after him.

He didn’t do well at home. He refused to drink. He was so weak. He barely ate anything. So less than 12 hours after coming home, he was brought back via emergency. They put the IV back on, and he was going to stay there until he could drink again.

It took 6 more days. Every evening was a teary facetime during visiting hours and praying the hardest I could that anytime I lost cell service, I wouldn’t get several texts or missed calls that they had to run back and he didn’t make it.

On the worst update, a decision was made to cut our national park trip short, drive back to California in an evening in 11.5 hours so I could get to my last minute moved up flight back home.

It was the worst 14 hour flight. No wifi connection I could pay for, and since it wasn’t a direct flight and a 3 hour layover, a second leg of torture, and the slowest traffic from the airport to the vet. But I finally made it. Saw his new condition for the first time. Cried a lot in both sadness and relief. Spent the next 3 days driving back and forth to the vet, until they told us that he could go home.

And a week, taking shifts so he has round the clock care, we’re still figuring out how we can best support him. Since the hospital, he’s now unable to get up on his hind legs, and fully control his front ones. He’s on two pages of medication, and has not gone back to eating hay.

It’s exhausting for all of us, but Chester is doing his best. He’s strong, but age has definitely caught up to him. I’m so grateful that he made it, and the progress he’s made. That I can affors the changes. That Joanna is as devoted to hom as I am.

As far as I’m concerned, the universe has given me so much to help get Chester here. And I’m going to do my best to keep him happy, healthy, and know how loved he is.

Jodythinks · Love/Life · Thanks

To the uncertainty of life

Since March of 2020, I’ve repeated the same phrase over and over, usually when I’m trying to justify a choice that’s not smart, practical, or necessarily good.


It’s becoming more and more accurate the more time passes. We keep losing people right and left. There’s wars, genocides, famine, floods. It’s almost absurd how apocalyptic the weather has been, and the situation with the economy just seems to get more dire.

I am choosing to live in the moment. We don’t know who’ll get hit by a car tomorrow. Or turn up dead in a ditch somewhere. Or live after a devastating tumor, but be a shell of their former selves, existing but not really living.

I am very lucky. To be able to make these “insane” choices. My parents have provided for my education and housing, and have taught me to work for a living. I have not had to worry about affording my next meal or being able to pay rent.

So I am going after experiences. Life. However messy. Choosing to go where it takes me.

I don’t really know what I’m trying to say outside of “I’m trying to live.” There are too many people who aren’t here that should be. Who we will never see again, and I’m not wasting more of my time.

And I will keep living as long as the universe will let me.

Jodythinks · Love/Life

Today I learned a lesson

5 injection sites aka 5 wound entry points for rabies

Today the universe sent me a reminder. As I was walking back to my place, I saw some of the neighborhood cats. I proceeded to open a sachet of wet food I had in my pocket and offered it to the cats. As one of them was pregnant and we had not made friends before, it swatted at me and hissed very defensively. I walk away and realize 3 minutes later that I had started bleeding.

See I knew the answer, but I was, for about 30 minutes, in denial that I had to get shots. Antirabies, anti tetanus, etc. I delayed until friends had confirmed that I indeed needed to get this looked at. A shower, a drive, and an hour later, after a quick doctor look over and being swarmed by a high school at lunch, I had 8 shots in my system. Not the fun stuff, but 8 very painful injections. One on each arm, a skin test, an anti tetanus, and 5 on the, i didnt even think, bony parts of my hand. And this is one of four days I have to go in, pay for each session, and get more very painful injections to my being.

What did I learn? One, that “just trusting” that another being wouldn’t hurt me was careless and that I knew better, and two, that my choices have consequences. What an apt parallel to my personal life. Where I find myself going against my gut so often, and get hurt when my instincts are proven right.

I truly do not have any self preservation, and this was a piercing (get it? Jk) reminder that sometimes your brain makes sense and to listen. Even when your heart is trying to lie to you.
