The human heart was—and remains—a mystery to me. But I’m learning. I have to. —Anthony Bourdain


  • This is how I feel right now

    Out of shape, can’t remember what I used to look like, and who I was. -J Read more

  • Hello, summer

    It’s been a rocky few days for Metro Manila. A water shortage has crippled thousands and has made the heat that has come in even more difficult. It’s hard to be thankful for beautiful things when you feel grimy and thirsty and don’t know when your next bath is. So far my solutions are cold… Read more

  • Thought of the day:

    Have a little faith in me. (Coz everyone knows I can’t lie worth a damn) 🙂 Read more

  • So what’s new?

    I’m turning over a new leaf. I have a new job. From a yearlong stint as an Internet Marketing Specialist I find myself facing a whole different terrain. I am now a User Experience Specialist (in training). This is definitely something that’s making me way excited but also ants in my pants nervous at the… Read more