
The blues, the reds, the greens

I’ve got the blues.

The birthday blues.

This is new. I am usually a big fan of birthdays. Celebrating them, planning surprises, thinking of little gifts for the people in my life. I love finding the perfect present, the best way to celebrate. It’s that person’s own little day, that only happens once a year, and, the sap that I am, i try my darndest to be the catalyst for them to be happy it’s their birthday.

Now my birthday, this year, I feel like hiding under the covers and putting out a sign that says “Go away.”

I’m turning 23 in a couple of weeks and every time i have that thought this ominous, heavy feeling takes over me. I’m not really sure what it is, but it just happens. I’m usually a happy bunny anticipating what to do, how to properly do it up.

I’m just tired.

I don’t even want to think of a party where I invite people and all I get are replies of “Pass.”

And don’t even get me started on the standard question: “Sinong pupunta? (Who‘s gonna be there?) It kinda kills the sentiment of: ‘Please be there coz I want to be with the people I love on my birthday and you’re one of them”.

I know I have a lot to be thankful for this year. I’m alive, I’m healthy, I have good friends, my family loves me.  I have more than enough. And for that I AM grateful.

But i don’t know if i feel like celebrating the me I’ve been this year.


So what’s new?

I’m turning over a new leaf.

I have a new job. From a yearlong stint as an Internet Marketing Specialist I find myself facing a whole different terrain. I am now a User Experience Specialist (in training). This is definitely something that’s making me way excited but also ants in my pants nervous at the same time. I still work in the same office, but in a different team, a different workstation.

New lifestyle too. Or at least trying to. In tune with my doctor’s orders, I’m going to start working out. I was told to get back to my usual weight just so she can rule out a few things. I definitely won’t be dieting or anything like that, but I’m gonna move more.

This way I can justify all the food trips I’m gonna go on the near future. I already have a script going on, “I’m not trying to lose weight, I’m doing this for my health. ” Or “Do i look like I can go on a diet?” Or “If you were my friend you’d go get ice cream with me.” (Wait that’s a different script entirely)

Basically it’s still the same old me with a few different upgrades.

I have Ms. Pink SEO to thank for this domain. Even if I did abandon her when I changed jobs, (Haha I kid I kid) she took me under her wing and hosted this blog. I am extremely grateful and hope to live up to the hype.

After 5 years of blogging you’d think I’d know what to do by now, but this is the domain that’s mine all mine and I’m going nuts (happy nuts but still) with all the options. Bear with me on all the changes that gonna come in later when I figure all this out.

Why I figure my food blog became more of a smattering of topics under the sun, I don’t think i can keep up a food blog for long. So this is gonna be a blog about anything and everything I come in contact with. It’ll be your choice of whether I really think or not. Coz in my case, it’s usually the latter. Especially when it comes to certain four letter words… Life. Love. Food. It’s do first, bang your head into the wall for doing that in the heat of the moment later.

So welcome!